Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Naughty Baby !!

We went for our 19 week scan today, and the umbilical cord was in the way !! Very frustrating to say the least. I'm hoping we can book in for another scan at 26 weeks when the sonographer said there would be a better chance of confirming things. She did say her gut / instinct told her it was a girl, but because we couldn't *really* see there was no way of being sure. The only catch would be that if we went for another scan to try and see the gender, it wouldn't be considered a 'routine' scan and we would have to pay in full. We shall see how things go !

In other 'family' news, I got 'found out' at work - it was the most hilarious thing ever ! We are talking about the wedding of course, only one or two people knew, and they were the ones who oversee our rosters / shifts etc. (as I had managed to get a rostered day off rather than having to use leave you see). Roland had much the same reactions apparently, hehehe. It guess not *too* many people keep it small these days, and are hooked on the 'big wedding' dream - I wouldn't have minded, but at the same time, our day was perfect and I really couldn't have asked for better (virtually *zero* stress).

Anyhow, another long week for both (both and a half?) of us, when I have 7:30am starts Roland and I can share the commute together which is nice.

It doesn't feel *too* different being married, but when I really think about it, I get a big goofy grin on my face - our life together is pretty amazing.

Goodnight everyone, and take care !

J, R & Baby "It" !!

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