Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here we go again...

For those of you that haven't already seen the photos on Facebook, the madness has begun again! This time we are renovating our bathroom, to finally remedy the fact that we have been bathtubless for more than three years.

The door to the bathroom has moved, it used to be in a really stupid place right by our front door, but is now in the hallway. We're also getting rid of the shower box and will have a shower over bath instead.

And for sheer enjoyment, here is a photo of Erin & Keira at dinner time just a couple of nights ago:

(And don't worry, the beer isn't Erin's !!)

Hard to believe that Keira is almost 7 months old already, and when she turns one later this year Erin will be turning 4 !!

Life has otherwise settled into a reasonably predictable rhythm, but with enough variety to still allow us to visit friends and family.

Roland has also returned to his regular Thursday night squash games, and I haven't quite made it back to yoga class yet but am hoping to get there some day !! Meanwhile we probably need to start making more use of the Wii we treated ourselves to for Christmas.

Anyway, hope all is well with you out there, even though the updates might not come often we miss you all and think of you lots.

Love from Jacquie, Roland, Erin & Keira xoxo

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