Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The weekend update and even more photos !!

It was a long weekend this weekend, with Labour day on Monday (yesterday) and we spent most of the time at home relaxing and doing housework - Roland worked outside and I was inside (hooray for laundry). Our big outing was to the supermarket on Sunday, which unfortunately takes most of the morning up !! Anyway, there are of course more photos for your viewing pleasure - enjoy :)

This is just something we put together to show how much Erin has already grown !!

Our cheeky little princess !!

Let's play the "how many fingers can I stuff in my mouth?" game !!

At least her fingers are still tiny compared to mummy's - we are thinking of getting this enlarged and framed so we can hang it somewhere in the house.

Anyway folks, that's all for now - take care !

Love Jax, Roland and Erin

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