Monday, March 31, 2008
Photo update!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
In other Erin news, she now has her top two eye teeth and the bottom two are still making their way up. She is also starting to fit some size two clothes - unbelievable!
In Roland & Jacquie news life is much the same, flat out during the working week and then catching up together on weekends! The weather has been interesting though, sunny and hot some days but there has been a lot of rain lately too. We are back down to a single car, which is manageable - although we really appreciated the loaner from Nana Trish too while it was here. Roland is considering cycling to work a little more often now, and is still playing squash at least once a week. Jacquie is continuing to learn the ropes with her job but enjoying the challenge, and hoping to secure something full time in the near future as well.
That's about all from us for now though, take care folks!
Love Jacquie, Roland & Erin